How to get
If you travel by car, we show you how to get here from the nearest parking lot. If necessary, add us to the WhatsApp number and we can send you the GPS location for when you have parked.
We are at Carrer de Madrid, 29, 07800 Eivissa
Lolita Tantra Massage Zone Ibiza
Work with us
Would you like to work with us? Send us an email introducing yourself, with your personal information, picture and CV to:
Other services
We also have other services like driver service, luxury car renting, ship renting… just let us know what you need.
Call Us:
Preference to contact through email or Whatsapp for communications in english
``Hi, thank you for this incredible quality moment of relaxation. I really appreciated.
Little message to adriana if possible : you are extraordinary sweet charming woman. Thank you very much. Take care and good holidays !``
French man
``Hi. I just had my massage. Can you please thank Lola for me. I did not get a chance to thank her before I left. My experience was amazing because of her.
Muchas Gracias!!``
``Amazing experience of tantra massage : Very nice agency, warm welcome, good listening.
Thank you again Adriana for your extraordinary touch in mindfulness
there is just one problem : i live too far to return there easily !
I recommend you the services. Another reason to discover ibiza island !``
``Increible lugar, la decoración de mucha clase, me encanto el cava de bienvenida con su bandejita de fruta, masajista me antendio sofia espectacular muy simpatica y profesional un autentico masaje tantrico y muy discreto 100x100 recomendable, muchas gracias.``
``Hi. A totally recommended site and excellent care of their masseuses. A time to relax and Enjoy. ``
Peter London
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